Here Are The 10 Most Insane Creatures To Ever Wash Ashore -- The Ocean Is Terrifying

 Here Are The 10 Most Insane Creatures To Ever Wash Ashore -- The Ocean Is Terrifying

There are a lot weird things lurking in the ocean, possibly waiting to destroy any unsuspecting humans foolish enough to get in their way. Some of the most mysterious unexplained mysteries of the ocean are weird "blobs" or "globs" that seem to continually wash up on beaches around the world.
While most of these are probably decomposing whale corpses, some of them...well, I'll let you check out the list below and see for yourself.

1. The St. Augustine Monster

Here Are The 10 Most Insane Creatures To Ever Wash Ashore -- The Ocean Is Terrifying

In 1896, this bizarre-looking thing washed up on the coast near St. Augustine, Florida. According to press accounts from the time, it was 18 feet long and weighed close to five tons. Researchers debated about what exactly it was. Their conclusions ranged from it being a giant squid to being the body of a sea monster. Later research in the 1990s found that the St. Augustine Monster was most certainly the corpse of a dead sperm whale.

2. Trunko

Here Are The 10 Most Insane Creatures To Ever Wash Ashore -- The Ocean Is Terrifying
This massive blob washed ashore in Margate, South Africa, in 1924. The mass remained on the beach for 10 days, and in that time, not a single scientist stopped by to take a look. In fact, the only hard record of the creature in existence is the photograph above.

3. The New Zealand Globster

Here Are The 10 Most Insane Creatures To Ever Wash Ashore -- The Ocean Is Terrifying
This gross mass washed ashore on New Zealand's North Island. At the time, the chairman of the zoology department at the University of Auckland, J. E. Morton, remarked, "I can’t think of anything it resembles." Not what you want to hear from a dude who studies and works with animals for a living.

4. The Bermuda Blob

Here Are The 10 Most Insane Creatures To Ever Wash Ashore -- The Ocean Is Terrifying

The name of this weird thing actually refers to two separate blobs that washed ashore in Bermuda in 1988 and 1997. Even though they looked like sea monsters, these were probably just dead whales.
