We All Made Sand Art As Kids, But What This Guy Does Is On Another Level full story

We All Made Sand Art As Kids, But What This Guy Does Is On Another Level

Was I the only one who slayed the sand-art game back in the day? Probably not.
I remember my mom and dad covering the kitchen table and letting me have at it as a kid, at which point I proceeded to fill hollow stars and ponies with sand in every color under the sun. Were they museum-worthy works of art? No. Did my parents cringe a little bit every time I requested a sand session? You bet. And that's what makes artist Tim Bengel's process so satisfying to watch.
Using paper, glue, and sand, he creates stunning pieces that are about to make you feel really bad about your childhood foray into sand art in the best possible way.
That's right, folks. Bengel creates intricate drawings with adhesive and pours black and white sand over those drawings to add depth and pigmentation.

We All Made Sand Art As Kids, But What This Guy Does Is On Another Level full story
