Do anti-dander pet shampoos really work?
Pet owners are not shy about spending a pretty penny on their furry
friends. According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), in
2009 alone, they spent a combined $3.36 billion on services such as
grooming and related items such as shampoos. For many allergy-prone
animal lovers, these aren't just frivolous purchases; specialty products
such as anti-dander shampoos are used in the hopes of making life with
beloved pets a little easier. But do they actually work?
The answer is both yes and no. While anti-dander shampoos may not
prove to be magic solutions that completely eliminate pet allergens,
regularly bathing your pet can provide some measure of allergy relief --
and it's good for your pet, too. To understand why anti-dander products
get such mixed reviews, let's take a look at what goes in to these
products to understand just exactly how they work.
Dander Fighters: Lack of Proof
There are a number of anti-dander pet shampoos and sprays on the
market, most of which claim that they can neutralize the protein
allergens responsible for triggering allergic reactions in owners. The
active ingredients in these products may vary depending on the
manufacturer, but the most common ones are salicylic acid and sulfur --
both of which are thought to provide itch relief for animals and
potentially reduce the amount of flaking skin they have. Since allergens
tend to live in pets' skin secretions and shed off with the skin,
reducing the amount that's shed around your home may help minimize
allergy symptoms.
The majority of anti-dander shampoos are also meant to hydrate pets'
skin, thereby replenishing the epidermal barrier, which should
theoretically decrease skin flaking as well. However, the actual results
from using these products are inconsistent.
"People have tried bathing with a regular pet shampoo, special dander
shampoos or using a spray called Allerpet," says Dr. Bill Freedman,
veterinarian and owner of Animal General in Edgewater, N.J. "Studies
have shown very little difference in the effectiveness of any of these.
Some people have had success with them, but it's all anecdotal, and
there is no proof behind their effectiveness."
Freedman also points out that, even if a product is effective in
treating the allergens secreted through pets' skin, allergens can also
live in their saliva -- as is the case with the protein FelD1 produced
by cats. Since cats self-groom by licking themselves, those allergens
end up right back on their fur, even after a good shampoo.
Bathing: A Best Practice
No matter what type of shampoo you use, if you're prone to pet
allergies, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)
recommends giving your pet weekly baths to reduce the presence of
airborne allergens in your home. There's no guarantee that this will
minimize your allergy symptoms, but regularly bathing your pets is
important practice for maintaining their overall hygiene, regardless.
However, if you are trying to combat pet allergies, there are a few
best practices you can follow when it comes to bathing. "The bath water
should be lukewarm for both dogs and cats," recommends Dr. Karen
Halligan, director of veterinary services at the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Los Angeles (spcaLA) and author of
"What Every Pet Owner Should Know: Prescriptions for Happy, Healthy Cats
and Dogs." "Never use hot water to bathe your dog, because it can cause
the blood vessels to dilate, leading to itchy skin." An anti-dander
formula won't necessarily provide an allergy-prone pet owner with any
advantages over regular pet shampoo, but generally adopting a regular
bathing and grooming regimen may make a difference. This practice may
very well result in a less stuffed-up and sneezy owner, and if done
correctly, it will almost definitely lead to a happier, healthier pet.