How to Put Your Cat on a Diet
an alarming number of fat cats out there -- one scientific study
concluded that 53 percent of cats in the U.S. are either overweight or
obese -- your not-quite-svelte feline may need to quit the clean plate
club. Tubby tabbies face an array of possible health problems, including
arthritis, diabetes, heart and liver issues. They may also suffer
illnesses, such as bladder stones or skin conditions that require
special eating habits. And diabetic cats need strictly monitored care
and feeding. But getting a cat to follow any diet not of his own
choosing isn't as simple as cutting out treats and serving tiny
portions. Knowing what to expect as you alter your cat's meal plan will
help you to keep him on the right nutritional path.
When should a plump cat slim down? Most vets classify a cat with more
than 20 percent body fat as overweight, but more simply, if the feline
profile viewed from above has no waistline or abdominal tuck, the cat is
too fat. You should be able to feel, but not see, his ribs. He
shouldn't have folds of swinging fat when he walks. A cat's ideal weight
depends on age, breed, lifestyle, bone structure and gender, but the
average adult cat generally tips the scales at 7 to 11 pounds (3.1 to
4.9 kilograms), with females weighing less.
Two to 3 extra pounds (.9 to 1.36 kilograms) for a cat is equivalent
to 40 pounds (18 kilograms) for a human! No wonder we have such an
epidemic of obesity. Furthermore, cats that have been spayed or neutered
use fewer calories than intact felines, so they often don't need to eat
as much; they put on pounds because their owners offer too much food
and not enough exercise. Never put your cat on a diet, or switch to
"diet food," without first consulting your vet. Drastically changing the
amount or type of food your cat eats can invite digestive problems or
deplete crucial nutrients. The vet will determine if your cat has health
problems in addition to being overweight. She'll then suggest the right
food to attack the problems, or an eating regimen, including portion
sizes, to tackle weight loss.
Helping a cat adapt to his new eating plan requires patience. A cat
accustomed to free feeding all day long may be confused or unhappy about
structured mealtimes, especially when dinner is a small ration, or a
strange food with an unexpected taste or texture. He may initially
reject the new menu, stalking away from his dish in visible displeasure.
If the cat leaves his food untouched or unfinished, remove it after 30
minutes, and try again at the next scheduled mealtime. An aromatic
spoonful of beef or chicken broth poured over the new food will pique
his appetite. Hunger will eventually prevail, prompting the cat to
consume his diet meals.
To stay healthy, cats should shed pounds gradually, losing no more than 0.5 to 2 percent of his total weight per week. For instance, a 20-pound (9-kilogram) cat should drop no more than about a pound (453 grams) in a month. Losing too quickly can create problems: The cat could develop serious liver disease, or the lost weight could reappear. If the cat is dropping weight too quickly, consult your vet, who may adjust the meal size or calorie count, or recommend vitamin supplements.
Excess weight isn't the only reason cats need to be on diets. Your vet may prescribe a formula food that targets the animal's medical conditions, from hairballs to dental disease to bladder or urinary tract infections. Cats with food allergies react adversely to the protein in most cat foods, and require nutrition especially formulated to their sensitive systems.
To stay healthy, cats should shed pounds gradually, losing no more than 0.5 to 2 percent of his total weight per week. For instance, a 20-pound (9-kilogram) cat should drop no more than about a pound (453 grams) in a month. Losing too quickly can create problems: The cat could develop serious liver disease, or the lost weight could reappear. If the cat is dropping weight too quickly, consult your vet, who may adjust the meal size or calorie count, or recommend vitamin supplements.
Excess weight isn't the only reason cats need to be on diets. Your vet may prescribe a formula food that targets the animal's medical conditions, from hairballs to dental disease to bladder or urinary tract infections. Cats with food allergies react adversely to the protein in most cat foods, and require nutrition especially formulated to their sensitive systems.
Diabetic cats are often overweight or even obese, and their extra
poundage is a major factor in their inability to produce or correctly
process insulin, the pancreatic hormone that turns food into energy.
Your vet can prescribe the right nutritional plan to help the cat slowly
and safely lose weight. The strictly enforced eating plan should always
avoid the soft or moist types of food, high in sugar, that result in a
quick accumulation of blood glucose. Usually a diet high in complex
carbohydrates and fiber works for diabetic cats, and may also stabilize
the blood sugar levels after eating. Some diabetic cats thrive on diets
low in carbohydrates and higher in protein, but the individual cat's
well-being will determine the correct combination. Never change a
diabetic cat's diet without your vet's advice.
Commercially produced formula foods, both canned and dry, often help to stabilize the diabetes by controlling the cat's insulin levels. A diabetic cat that requires insulin injections when first diagnosed may respond so well to a specialized diet that he'll no longer need the shots. If the cat won't eat his formula food, work with your vet to find an acceptable substitute.
Diabetic cats need to eat regularly to prevent an insulin overdose. Setting mealtimes for the cat, usually two to three times a day, will help regulate his body's insulin levels. If your cat gets insulin injections, your vet will advise you about the right times to give these, usually twice a day, after the cat has digested a meal.
Commercially produced formula foods, both canned and dry, often help to stabilize the diabetes by controlling the cat's insulin levels. A diabetic cat that requires insulin injections when first diagnosed may respond so well to a specialized diet that he'll no longer need the shots. If the cat won't eat his formula food, work with your vet to find an acceptable substitute.
Diabetic cats need to eat regularly to prevent an insulin overdose. Setting mealtimes for the cat, usually two to three times a day, will help regulate his body's insulin levels. If your cat gets insulin injections, your vet will advise you about the right times to give these, usually twice a day, after the cat has digested a meal.